Friday, 7 November 2014


You are a winner in life and within you is the potential to be all that you can be. You were created for greatness and the determining factor of whether you will be or not is your attitude. Your mind is the battlefield and if you want to win in life you had better have the mind of a winner. Here are the keys to winning, control your mind, control your emotions and control your actions and you will win in life. Winning is a choice and it all starts with the decisions and choices you make today,
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When you forgive, the debt doesn't just go away. You absorb the debt. That's why forgiveness is so hard.

Say you lend a person one thousand dollars, but suppose that when the time comes for the loan to be repaid that person is unable to repay you. If you forgive that person of his debt, then that person no longer owes you anything. By forgiving, you forfeited the money—you absorbed the debt.
How is it that God is able to forgive our sins against him? He absorbed them by sending his son to suffer the penalty for our debts (sins). Christ absorbed the penalty of death so that we don't have to. When God forgave us, he said, "There's no need to repay me." (We couldn't repay God even if we tried, but now we're freed from the burden of trying.)
When you forgive someone, you absorb their debt. That's why forgiveness is so hard.
In Luke 7, Jesus tells this parable to Simon: "Two men owed money to a certain moneylender. One owed him five hundred denarii, and the other fifty. Neither of them had the money to pay him back, so he canceled the debts of both. Now which of them will love him more?" Simon replied, "I suppose the one who had the bigger debt canceled." "You have judged correctly," Jesus said.
Forgiveness is a sign of love. To forgive someone of a massive debt (in this case, five hundred denarii) is a sign of massive love. How is forgiveness a sign of love? Because if you forgive much, then you must absorb much debt (pain, suffering, loss, etc.). Our sin against God is the biggest possible debt we could have; so for God to absorb that is a sign of his endless, measureless love.
When He forgave us, God didn't just ignore our debt; he absorbed our debt.


The more you doubt, the more you'll have to live without.

Complaining is one of the worst traps that many Christians fall into. A complainer thinks, "I can't stand my boss. If she would only treat me better, I'd be happy. I hate this traffic. Why can the government improve traffic flow with all the tax money I pay?" This is a deceptive trap because it leads one to believe that life would be better if something would be different. However, it is far more productive for to believe that God can change the situation than to doubt him.
This trap of complaining is the same trap that the Israelites fell into. They were not satisfied with what God had given them and they continually wanted more. Psalm 106:12-15 is a great example of what happens to people who are unthankful and always want more: Then they [Israel] believed his promises and sang his praise. But they soon forgot what he had done and did not wait for his counsel. In the desert they gave in to their craving; in the wasteland they put God to the test. So he gave them what they asked for, but sent a wasting disease upon them.
That passage refers the Israelites' persistent request for food, water, and other basic resources. They didn't trust God; they doubted his ability to provide and tested him. So, because of their doubt, God sent a wasting disease upon them. Furthermore, for forty years God withheld the promised land from them. Their doubt caused them to live without.


If you want something in your life to change, then you'll have to change your choices and actions. That is because doing the same thing will never get you different results.

In other words, what you do -- the choices you make, the way you treat people, the attitudes you have -- all impact your life. If, by your actions, you're sowing bad seeds, then you'll reap a harvest of those things. 2 Corinthians 9:6 says, Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.
Therefore, if you want to reap abundant harvests in your life, start sowing abundant seeds. That may require changing your choices; but until you change your choices, you'll never change your life.


“Abstinence-only is an effective way to prevent out-of-wedlock pregnancy and STDs but this is only the beginning.” 
According to statistics and facts many teenagers are engaging in sexual intercourse on a daily basis. Some have chosen the path of abstinence-only and haven chosen to abstain from sexual intercourse.
However, abstinence-only is not enough but if you choose celibacy which is the avoidance of all sexual activity it will  help keep you on the right course to pursue your dreams and goals and fulfill your destiny for greatness. The right decision is celibacy for this is the only 100% effective way to prevent out-of-wedlock pregnancy and STDs. What we have discovered is that abstinence-only is not the answer that will prevent teen pregnancy and STDs. Many teens according to our research may not be engaged in sexual intercourse but half of all teens have had oral sex. Even though you may practice abstinence-only and abstain from sexual intercourse but engage in oral sex you are simply setting yourself up for the opportunity to eventually engage in sexual intercourse. For you cannot hold fire to your chest and not be burned. 

Young girls don’t allow that young fellow to pressure you into oral sex to prove your love for him. Young fellows don’t allow that young girl to persuade you into having oral sex to prove your manhood. This act of oral sex is destined to lead eventually to sexual intercourse with consequences of pregnancy or a STD that you may not be ready for. If you say no to sexual intercourse you are not obligated to that person to say yes to oral sex instead as a way of showing you care for them. Oral sex is a very intimate form of sexual activity and will eventually lead on to sexual intercourse whether you believe it or not. Oral sex is not an innocent sexual activity; it can lead to several infections, including gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, HIV the virus which causes AIDS and the human papillo mavirus, which has been linked to cervical cancer. 

Many individuals may say that abstinence-only is not the answer and I agree with that but celibacy is the answer. We must also realize that telling our kids to use condoms and birth control is actually giving our children a license to have sex. I want my teenager daughter to be educated and informed about teen pregnancy, STDs, oral sex and all the consequences that come with engaging in sexual activity. However, I do not want to give her a license to have sex. Sex outside of marriage carries many consequences with it, not just the possibility of pregnancy and STDs, but also the fact that when you engage in sexual intercourse a part of that person becomes a part of you.