1: By January 2018 50
scripture unions will be formed in different churches, institutions and communities to teach, equip and empower the youth with
biblical principles of God in the
districts of Kabarole and Kyenjojo
of Objective and Methodology:
The team will visit scripture unions in
schools and churches and form Clubs. The team will visit scripture union
during, lunch hour fellowships, evening fellowship and Sunday services inside
school. The team will organize
conferences where all the club members will gather in one place and different
preachers will speak and prey for the youth. The team will choose days to visit
different schools on a different day to share the word of God with youth and
encourage them to know about God. The team will focus in village basic schools,
town schools and local community, the team will preach during the fellowships,
team preach in churches, organize home cells so that youth can pray from
different homes of different members of
Scripture union.
To share the word of God with the youth
To encourage the youth to read the word of
God and follow the principles of God
To preach, pray and care for youth in a
goodly way
To form scripture unions in different schools and churches
Expected outcome
Youth shall accept Jesus as their Lord
and Saviour
number of youth preachers, Teachers and
Increased knowledge sharing about biblical principle to the youth
Increased prayer network amongst the youth.
Increased care and courage of youth in a Christian way
One radio program once in a week on one local
radio station which will host preachers to share the word of God with the
youth, share experience and encouraging Youth.
Objective 2: By
January 2018 50 scripture unions will be
formed in different churches, learning institutions and communities to teach, equip and empower the youth with
biblical principles of God in the
districts of Kabarole and Kyenjojo
Sensitizing the youth to abstain from sex
and share ideas, information about abstinence as the best way to control the
spread of HIV/AIDS. It will involve
counseling, Testing ,guiding and parental love to those to all the youth
Specific Objectives
To sensitize youth about abstinence as the
best way to control AIDS/HIV
To share information with the youth about
ways HIV/AIDS is spread
To form abstinence clubs in learning
institutions, churches and communities in the district of Kabarole and Kyenjojo
- Presentations.
Experienced medical Experts in
the field will make presentation to the Youth elaborating the topics in detail
and how they can contribute to reduction on the spread of HIV/AIDS amongst the
- Focus group discussions.
Conference will be organized and Youth will be
arranged into focus group discussions to share experiences, in line with the
topic presented and come up with their own practical approaches on how they are
going to incorporate the issues raised by the facilitator to abstain from Sex
as the best way to control HIV/AIDS or use a condom.
- Plenary sessions.
Each group of youth will make a
presentation after the focus group discussions to enable all the participants
learn from each other and share experience with others.
Expected outcome
Increased knowledge and information about
HIV/AIDS among the youth. .
· Formation 50 and more abstinence clubs in different
learning institutions, churches and communities
Increased counseling and guidance to the youth
· One radio program once in a week on one local radio station
which will host experts to share experience and
encouraging Youth on issues
related to controlling HIV/Aids
3: By February 2016 600 youth will be actively engaged and involved in the
entrepreneurial skills development and training as the best way to acquire
skills and experience to fight poverty and unemployment
Description and
Identify the talents of the youth in and out school and build on them ,Train them
in entrepreneurial skills and mentor them on how to use the attained
entrepreneur skills . Skills like Hair dressing, mechanic, tailoring, Art and
design, Carpentry, Bakery, computer training. After the training entrepreneur businesses
will be started and work with the youth that have gained the skills in various
Expected outcome
Employments opportunities created
for more than 200 youth who are members of RYSAN
Engagement of Youth in entrepreneur
business for improved economic
development with support and guidance from the skills, experiences and ideas
gathered and shared from the training
Youth actively participating in the
implementation entrepreneur activities and understanding the Project
Youth actively sharing the skills with
different youth
Objective 4: To support vulnerable groups of youth
(orphans) with school fees, scholastic materials and Basic needs to enable them
attain education and Keep them in school.
Description of activity:
Support orphans and youth who were
in school and those who dropped out d fee due to lack of Fees and other
problems. We will provide fees, scholastic materials and basic needs to the
youth. We will pay fees for the youth who have been involving in sex activities
as a way to get fees , those who are orphans
and can’t afford staying in school due to fees and other basic needs.
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