Monday, 19 January 2015


One Love Youth Project is by faith to be started in  2015 our children and youth will not struggle for food, will not go to school and sleep on empty stomachs, will  not have to trek for miles for Gospel and soccer Games (can you imagine our boys and girls walking for 20 miles to go for gospel and soccer From Myeri to Katooke, then to Katembe), our children will not lack fees again and again,plenty of   scholastic materials will be provided , good shelter and basic needs is our target this year.
We  have land that we are going to use to set up a poultry project, piggery project, plant crops for food and sell, we have trees that we can cut to get  timber, wood and charcoal  for sale  and our boys and girls are ready to do this we don't need any labor.
Our problem is we don't have garden tools, funds to buy the seeds, we lack start up capital to make this dream a reality but we have already bought 5 piglets through our last year' saving and 5 hens, we need to have 30 piglets and 50 hens and the boys are girls are now preparing the land. We ask our friends to support in anyway possible to support this vision any donation is highly  appreciated in Jesus name. prayers are much needed in Jesus name.

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