Thursday, 4 February 2016



 In the community where we are, we discovered a big challenge of “Early sex among the Girls and Boys due to Idleness and poverty’’. 

According to the Baseline survey we carried in February 2013 we found out that in this community Sex was taken as a game for the boys and way to solve the issue of poverty for the girls. According to the survey rural children start having Sex as early as 11 years for the girls and boys. 

At 13 years the girl is married with children.  We formed the academy to address this issue since Football is a game that unites people and through unity we can speak and talk to the youth. Football is the world’s most popular, loved and interesting sport that every person yearns to play and be part. All over the world, the beautiful game is used to create sustainable social change in our communities.  As for social impact football is a life changing game which fights discrimination, improves health, promote gender equality, fight violence and secure environmental sustainability among others

The Idleness, suffering of (Vulnerable Children and Youth), Passion, commitment and hardworking of the boys and girls we first met and spoke too inspired us a lot to go ahead and get organized in form of an academy, support from communities, parents, volunteers and well wishers. The only way we could bring as many youth and children into scripture unions and abstinence clubs was to have a soccer academy which most vulnerable children and youth admired and dreamt of.  

 Speaking without action is a bad. Telling a youth to abstain from SEX and evil things without solving the problem that forces Him /her into sex is like writing on water. So the only way we could keep the Boys and girls from evil thoughts and idleness was to make them busy with soccer and this way was the only way to bring together the scattered and Hopeless children Together to improve their soccer Skills.

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