Tuesday, 16 July 2013



1.    Disappointment:
 People often think that the passionate illicit sex experienced prior to marriage vows will continue into marriage. Sorry, but life happens!  We get tired, bored, uninterested, and we can even experience headaches.

When we settle down in marriage it should be about commitment, friendship, and feeling honored. Our relationship should not be based on sexuality. When the relationship begins with sexual intimacy instead of developing healthy communication, often one spouse can feel disappointed, rejected, and bitter when the sexual intimacy wanes.

Each sexual experience is like a leech that latches on and we never forget. Those experiences can cause comparisons that may lead to disappointment later with our spouse. No reason to test drive your potential partner as we often hear. In a safe, loving relationship developed with honor and respect you should be able to openly share your needs with your loving spouse. And if you need help there are plenty of books and magazines that will offer advice, but wait to read those with your spouse.

2.    Disrespect: Often having a sexual relationship in dating can lead to feelings of being used and rejected. Premarital sex is the pursuit of self-gratification at the expense of someone else’s honor. A safe loving sexual relationship is one of the benefits of marriage not of dating.

Never disrespect yourself by giving into a pushy man or woman who demands sex. If you are valued for who you are, not what you do in bed, then he or she will wait until marriage. "Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body." (1Corinthians 6:18)

3.    Disillusionment: Often sex will cloud our perception. We are unable to see clearly who that person is. We ignore all the character flaws and red flags. Being sexually enmeshed in the relationship prevents us from breaking away from the dating relationship. In marriage those problems become clear, yet they were there all along. We just covered them up by being sexual. Women, save yourself a lot of trouble, keep your eyes open to potential problems, while you keep your panties on.

4.    Disease:  Over fifty million men and women in the United States are infected with sexually transmitted diseases that can cause severe pain, infertility, cervical cancer, and birth defects to children. Not to mention humiliation when you find someone you want to marry, but have to explain that you have an STD. The Bible says, "What benefit did you reap at that time from the things you are now ashamed of?" (Romans 6:18)

Monday, 15 July 2013

Ten Reasons Why Sex Should Wait Until Marriage

by Nancy Hanna

  1. Sex is a powerful force that can destroy if not used properly. Like atomic power, sex is the most powerful creative force given to man. When atomic power is used correctly it can create boundless energy; when it is used in the wrong way it destroys life. Sex is the same kind of powerful force. Sex is a gift from God to give us the greatest pleasure, to help in creating a deep companionship with one's spouse and for procreation of the next generation. But if you play with this powerful force outside the bounds of marriage, it destroys you and those close to you.
  2. Sexual activity for young people arrests their psychological, social and academic development. Studies show that when young people engage in premarital sex, their academic performance declines and their social relationships with family and friends deteriorate. This is because adolescents are too immature to deal with the explosive sex drive and it tends to dominate their life.
  3. The majority of women cannot enjoy sex outside of the bonds of marriage. The development of a fulfilling sex life needs the security and peace of the marriage bond. Premarital sex usually takes place sneaking around in hidden places dealing with the fear of being caught, the fear of pregnancy and feelings of guilt. All these (worrisome) factors undermine pleasure in premarital sex, most especially for women.
  4. Virginity is to be given to the most important person in your life, the person you committed yourself to stay with forever in marriage. Your virginity is the most precious thing you have to give to your spouse. Once you lose it, nothing in the world can bring it back. Don't lose something so precious in a thoughtless way.
  5. Those who engage in premarital sex run a high risk of contracting one of the many venereal diseases rampant today, as well as losing their fertility. Not just AIDS, but other common disfiguring diseases like herpes have no cure.
  6. Some venereal diseases have no symptoms and many couples discover many years later that they became infertile because of these diseases. Infertility experts estimate that 80% of today's infertility is due to venereal diseases contracted before they married.
  7. The best and only method that guarantees 100% against AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases is to wait for marriage to have sex and maintain fidelity in your marriage.
  8. Premarital sex breaks the 10 Commandments given by God. The 10 Commandments are given to man by God to make man happy. They are not outdated and they are not restrictive. If we follow these laws, we can create happy and prosperous lives. If we don't follow them, we will pay a heavy price in divorce, disease, abortions, illegitimate children and loneliness. Modern men make a big mistake when they think that they can break these eternal laws and not suffer consequences.
  9. Premarital sex runs the risk of conceiving illegitimate children. Numerous scientific studies show that the children of single mothers suffer psychologically and are less successful socially and academically than children from intact families. Above all, children need both their father and their mother. It is wrong to risk having children who will never have their father's love, protection and care.
  10. If you date and you don't have sex, you can forget about that relationship when you stop dating. But if you have sex with those you date and then break up, the nature of sexual involvement creates strong, often unpleasant memories for your whole life. Every relationship you break up where you had intimate relations is like a mini-divorce. The psychological difficulties of these mini-divorces does damage to your character. Later, when you are married and go to bed with your beloved spouse, these unpleasant memories will accompany you.
    Sex before marriage is wrong. RASYN-CVM preaches total abstinence until marriage 

Friday, 12 July 2013


I'm a virgin, and waiting to share that special gift of human
sexuality with that one person I will commit the rest of my life to in
marriage (when and if :) A strong foundation supports of a marriage
is intended to be the exclusive physical/emotional bond of sexual
union. One of the most beautiful ways I think of saving myself for my
future wife is looking at it this way: I'm going to love her SOOOO
much that right now, as I go through life (even though I don't know
for sure who it is I may marry :) I am saving this GIFT.

And I want to give this GIFT only to her, a one of a kind, the most
precious person I will ever meet. And she DESERVES it. That gift I
will have hopefully kept to show her that she is something REALLY,
REALLY SPECIAL. And you know what, I know she will appreciate that
with her whole heart. In today's society it's a rare and unique person
who wishes to save that gift of sexual union for his/her lifetime
marriage partner. I would encourage anyone questioning, feeling the
peer pressure, the societal pressure, the boyfriend/girlfriend
pressure, to wait until you both enter that lifetime covenant with
each other. What could be more exciting, more special, more emotional
than sharing the wonders of sex with your one true and dedicated love!?! Think about
it. Think about the future. Think about your future wife or husband.
Don't they deserve your absolute best? It's something that you will
remember forever, and what better way to experience it than in a
relationship lasting a lifetime. :) 

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Waiting to Have Sex Until After Marriage

Abstinence, what percentage of this generation practices it? I don't know, but 'm sure the number is fairly low. Among my age group (late teens to early twenties) I know very few virgins. Has abstinence died? Is it an old fashioned belief only followed by highly religious people? I don't believe so.
Some believe that waiting until marriage to have sex is impossible. I've had many people tell me that I will end up having sex before I get married. There are probably a few that don't even believe or at least are not sure that I am still a virgin. But, I will abstain and I am a virgin. There are some good reasons to wait until marriage and it is possible.
Reasons to Wait
No Regrets
Many young people have sex, end up breaking up at some point down the line and regret it. There are other reasons why sex ends up a regret sometimes and it's one of those things that's impossible to take back.
Love You For You
This may come across as a slightly cynical reason. Practicing abstinence means that you can be 100% sure that your significant other is not with you for what he/she gets in bed. I know what some of you are thinking: that there is no way your partner could ever feel that way and I'm not saying they do. However, there are a few people like that and they often don't let it show until it's already over.
A Special Moment, A Special Gift
A wedding is one of the best days in a person's life, and of course, everyone looks to their wedding night. Just imagine how much more special that night would be if it were your first time making love. What better wedding gift to your new spouse than your virginity. It's a gift you can only give once, and to only one person.
No Babies
The only, only way you can be completely sure that you or your girlfriend won't get pregnant is by not having sex. There are plenty of different birth control methods. However, none of them is infallible. There is always at least a slight risk of conception. If you practice abstinence though, there will be zero risk.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013


Breaking the Mold

Einstein said that the definition of insanity was “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
Think of all the things in this age that are the same: Most people have sex before marriage. For most people, the divorce rate is above 50%. Most people complain of frigid, bland marriages that are sad, neutered versions of their pre-marriage relationships. Most people follow the rules and the norms of everyone around them, and as a consequence are carried through similar paths and predictable milestones, both good and bad. But not you.

You have stepped outside the conventions of world and said “No. I’m going to be different.”
Whatever else you do in your life, you have made one choice that sets you vastly apart from the crowd. You have made a statement to the world that you will ignore conventions if you believe it right to do so; if there is glory in it. You will be forever unique, for better and for worse.

And above all, you have done something different. You have broken the mold. And that is sure to bring you unexpected and different results. Enjoy your adventure.


A Great Example Your kids.

Most parents get stuck on this dilemma: How do I make them do what I say, and not what I did when I was their age? Parents had their youth.

 They had their teenage sex and their pot smoking and all the trouble. Then they grew up, had kids, and suddenly got serious about morals and values.
But here’s the problem: You can tell your kids what you think they should do, but ultimately what you did is going to show through. You cannot escape the decisions of your own past and how they shaped your personality. It is that personality —and every decision attached to it — that’s going to rub off on your kids whether you like it or not.

The mom who sleeps around in her youth, then as an adult sticks her kids in church and espouses the virtues of waiting till marriage will most likely end up with one of those church kids who has sex in the bathroom in between youth group sessions (i.e., a holier-than-thou hypocrite that every rational kid hates).
Plus, if you’re trying to tell your child not to do something, they can instantly destroy the credibility of your point with this question: What did you do when you were my age?
What kind of answers will you have when your kids start asking those questions? What will rub off on your kids as far as relationships and sex goes?

If you wait until marriage to have sex, and you focus on having an obviously great relationship with your husband/wife, you will have a lot of solid ground to stand on when your kids start approaching that age. You want to be able to say “I saved everything for your father/mother. That’s partially why we still have such a great relationship, and why all of your friends’ parents are divorced.”
But again, it won’t matter much what you say. It’s what you did that will rub off. And in your case that will work in your favor.

A True-Story Example
My friend’s parents, who we’ll call Bob and Susie, grew up in a small, highly-religious community (we’re talking near-Amish, from what I understand). When Bob and Susie fell in love and decided to get married, they had to follow the traditions of the town before their marriage could be condoned. First, they had to spend a year apart from each other without any communication whatsoever.

When they reunited a year later, they had to re-assess whether they still wanted to get married. They did. Then they had to stand naked in front of each other, to make sure they were physically OK with what they were getting into. They were. Then they were allowed to marry.

This was waiting-till-marriage to the extreme. Today, thirty years later, they’re one of the closest married couples I’ve ever known. Everything they do is as a team. And they seem to still have so much love for each other.
They are very calm, rational people. I’m close with their son, and there are no stories about them being over-bearing about religious behavior or anything like that. Looking at them, you’d never know that they had such structured religious upbringing.

Now, their kids: two girls and a boy. Both of the girls waited until marriage, and are two of the sweetest, most beautiful girls I have ever met. They are the kind of people that it’s impossiblenot to like because they are so unrelentingly kind-natured and caring. As smart, beautiful, and successful as each of the daughters are…they are also very, very good people.

The son didn’t wait till marriage. He rebelled for a little bit, as oldest sons often do. But you can still see those tight family values in him. He ended up marrying a girl who was waiting till marriage (he waited with her for six years while they dated). He worked harder at that relationship than I’ve ever seen somebody in their 20′s work at anything.

So you can see how having parents who waited can positively affect the relationships that their kids have throughout their life.

When you wait until marriage, you will pass your preference for committed, meaningful relationships on to your kids, and that’s a very wonderful gift to give them.



A Sex-Filled Marriage

Many non-waiting people report that sex declines in frequency after the honeymoon.

This is so common that it’s become a cliché; a joke that married men perpetuate. They will say things like “Yeah, we had sex all the time back when we were dating, but once you’re married…forget about it.”
If you gathered together all of the world’s stand-up comedians and said to them “no more jokes about married men not getting any sex,” you would leave many with a serious want for material,because half their act was jokes about married men not getting any sex.

So, why does this happen? Why are so many married people sexually unsatisfied? Why does sex slow down or stop after marriage in so many cases? Many couples therapists will say that  married couples (after a while) simply fail to treat sex as important. They take sex for granted.

When you wait until marriage to have sex, you spend your whole young life treating sex asextremely important. During your single years, this view that sex is highly important will strengthen your resolve. It will be the reason why you do not just toss away your virginity (original or re-claimed) lightly at the first opportunity or pressure. Because sex is important to you, you will stay the course until marriage.

Then, when you get married, this view of sex as being important starts to work very much in your favor, because sex stays important. You have years of hard waiting behind you serving as a constant reminder that what you have earned — this loving relationship and the physical intimacy that comes with it — is nothing to be taken for granted, especially not the physical part that you’ve waited so long for.
Plus, sex will be a whole new thing to you! When most people get married, they’ve already been having sex for a decade or more. Sex is old hat by the time they get married.

 They’ve done it all a thousand times over — with several different partners — before they even get to their honeymoon and the lifelong marriage that follows. So keeping things original and exciting in the bedroom can be a challenge at times.

 This is why the magazine racks at your local grocery store are peppered with promises to give you tips on how to “spice up” your sex life by adding new things.

For you, the person who waited till marriage, your kinkiness and “spiciness” tolerance will be laughably low. The act of having sex at all will be plenty “spicy” for you for a long time. You’ve never tried the basics before. You are a long, fun way off from having to reach for that magazine rack.

 Put simply: When you get married, you’ve got a whole lot of awesome sex that you haven’t ever had yet. And now you get to spend the first decade of your marriage catching up, instead of just burning out.


 A Sex-Filled Marriage

Many non-waiting people report that sex declines in frequency after the honeymoon.

This is so common that it’s become a cliché; a joke that married men perpetuate. They will say things like “Yeah, we had sex all the time back when we were dating, but once you’re married…forget about it.”
If you gathered together all of the world’s stand-up comedians and said to them “no more jokes about married men not getting any sex,” you would leave many with a serious want for material,because half their act was jokes about married men not getting any sex.

So, why does this happen? Why are so many married people sexually unsatisfied? Why does sex slow down or stop after marriage in so many cases? Many couples therapists will say that  married couples (after a while) simply fail to treat sex as important. They take sex for granted.

When you wait until marriage to have sex, you spend your whole young life treating sex as extremely important. During your single years, this view that sex is highly important will strengthen your resolve. It will be the reason why you do not just toss away your virginity (original or re-claimed) lightly at the first opportunity or pressure. Because sex is important to you, you will stay the course until marriage.

Then, when you get married, this view of sex as being important starts to work very much in your favor, because sex stays important. You have years of hard waiting behind you serving as a constant reminder that what you have earned — this loving relationship and the physical intimacy that comes with it — is nothing to be taken for granted, especially not the physical part that you’ve waited so long for.

Plus, sex will be a whole new thing to you! When most people get married, they've already been having sex for a decade or more. Sex is old hat by the time they get married. They've done it all a thousand times over — with several different partners — before they even get to their honeymoon and the lifelong marriage that follows. So keeping things original and exciting in the bedroom can be a challenge at times. This is why the magazine racks at your local grocery store are peppered with promises to give you tips on how to “spice up” your sex life by adding new things.

For you, the person who waited till marriage, your kinkiness and “spiciness” tolerance will be laughably low. The act of having sex at all will be plenty “spicy” for you for a long time. You've never tried the basics before. You are a long, fun way off from having to reach for that magazine rack. Put simply: When you get married, you’ve got a whole lot of awesome sex that you haven’t ever had yet. And now you get to spend the first decade of your marriage catching up, instead of just burning out.http://waitingtillmarriage.org/the-top-10-awesome-benefits-of-waiting-until-marriage/

An Incredible Wedding Day and Night

An Incredible Wedding Day and Night

Most people do not wait until marriage to have sex.
However, when those people reach their wedding day, many often suddenly wish that they had waited. You’ll hear guys reporting this of their fiancees several times over your life: “Yeah, she got a little emotional because she suddenly wished we had waited till marriage for sex.”

With some couples, one person (usually the girl) will cut off sex a few months before the wedding, so they can “wait” until the big day and then start having sex again. Again, the guys will gripe about this: “Dude! She’s making me wait now! She says no more sex until the wedding. Ugh.”
If you ask one of these people to explain why they wanted to cut off sex before the wedding (or why they feel pangs of regret about the fact that they didn't wait in the first place) they will give you this answer: “Because I want our wedding day to be special.”

Why wouldn't it be special anyways? You’re committing yourself fully to the person you’re going to spend the rest of your life with! That’s a special day under any circumstance, right? Why do you need to cut off sex until the wedding to make it feel “special?” Why doesn't it feel special enough already?
I’ll tell you why it doesn't feel special enough.

Because they've already committed themselves fully to the person they’re marrying. They've been in love, having sex, and (usually) living together for years now.
The wedding day is beautiful, but except legalities, it doesn't change anything. It does not mark the end of one era (as separate people) and beginning of another (as one) as clearly as it’s supposed to. It’s just a fancy solidification of the lifestyle that they’re already living. After the wedding, they don’t go back to a new life — they go back to the exact same life.

And they know that if they wait on sex, even for a small amount of time, it will make the wedding more special because it will make the wedding feel like it marks a change for the better. It will mean the end of their (brief) time physically apart, and the renewal of their time physically together, and send their marriage off to a more romantic and sexier start. It will make the day more significant.
Most couples that cut off sex a few months before the wedding report afterward that they’re glad they did it. Even the guys will begrudgingly admit “Yeah, it was frustrating, but it definitely did make the wedding night and honeymoon a little more special.”

As you can imagine, if stopping sex for a few months leading up to the wedding makes the wedding noticeably more special and meaningful, then waiting your whole life without having sex until the wedding night makes the wedding spectacularly more special and meaningful — totally off-the-charts special ness.
For you, the person who waits, your wedding day and night will be everything every Hallmark card, every romance novel, every poem, every religious text, and every little girl’s fantasy says a wedding should be. All of the symbolism — turning from two lives into one, owning each other in every way, making a commitment with body and soul — will be physically real to you and present throughout your wedding day and night.

Others will reach their wedding day and find themselves thinking “Sigh…I kind of wish we had waited”. You will reach your wedding day and think “I’m so glad we waited!”

Why Most Don't Wait Until Marriage to Have Sex

Living without sex is interesting. Actually, it's great. At the age of 15, I was reading the Bible rigorously and came across a passage that communicated to me that sex before marriage was a sin. I am not sure what that exact passage was, but I am glad that I read it at such a young age because doing so has been the best thing I have ever done for myself.
Living without sex feels pure and wonderful. It is true that at times, it can feel odd. Everyone around you seems to be doing it while you are doing everything else besides that, but many people who are having sex do not realize the benefits of not having sex, which are many. Before a person can realize the benefits, they must realize what keeps them from deciding to not have sex. Fear. These fears are listed below.
Fear of rejection from the opposite sex
This is a hard fear for many people to face expecially when the odds seem to be against them. I say that the odds "seem" to be against them because statistics claim that men think about sex almost twice as much as women do. Therefore, the average woman may believe that she may find herself getting dumped by many men once she tells them that she is waiting to have sex until marriage or she may fear that she is being too eargerly proposed to only so that she can be "had."
This fear can only be overcome with faith. A person waiting for marriage must have faith that there is someone out there who is waiting with the same sincerity as they have. Then, the person waiting must proceed to wait even if they reach the age of twenty one and everyone in college is jumping out of their pants. They must even wait until forty if they have to. If the age of forty is scary, please review the fear listed below, "fear of waiting." A person waiting should wear this phrase like a shield: " I will stand in faith even if it takes my whole life time."
Fear of Waiting
Many people who consider not having sex until marriage fear that they will never get married. Well, how many people do you know who have never been married at least once in their life? Not many people end up never having been married. You probably know one in 10 people over 50 who have never jumped the broom, don't you? For some of you, the percentage is even lower. Therefore, a person has no reason to think that if they wait until they are married, they will become one of those one in ten or one in fifty people who never end up married.
Look at Jessica Simpson. She waited, and she got married. Why not you? Also, when you wait, you have to have a reason for waiting and that reason must be able to rise higher than any fears you have in general. Are you waiting because you believe that you are God's temple? Well ,if you end up alone, so what? You remained God's temple didn't you? You have got to stand for something or fall for anything. Therefore, stand and remain standing. What you are standing up for is more important than whatever sacrifice you have to make. However, if you are not at this level yet, remember that most likely, you will not end up being apart of the the very small percentage of people who can say that they have never been married.
Fear of being an Outcast
The young teenager thinking about saving his or herself for his or her husband may believe that he or she will be labeled as an outcast by peers. Unfortunately, most teens do not know that peers that negatively label other peers because of positive choices they make in their lives are not really friends. Most young people do not know that these types of peers come and go, and when they are old and working, they will barely remember these people and will not be able to fathom why they thought about their opinions so much. Most young people do not know that when they are twenty five and on a blazing career trail, their high school peers who got pregnant too early in life will be a bit jealous of them. Basically, being an outcast is nothing to be afraid of. It only lasts for a short period of time. It could last while you are in middle school or high school, but it is worth it.
Basically, waiting for marriage is a sacrifice. You sacrifice the right now for what you really want. You may want many things that come with waiting to have sex until you get married. You may want a husband or wife who knows that he or she has been the only one who knows the most private things about you. You may want to remain a pure and holy temple before God. You may want to ensure that you do not get pregnant prematurely or by any guy or girl who may or may not end up wanting to be with you forever. You may want all of these things. As you sacrifice, just remember, "Good things come to those who wait."http://voices.yahoo.com/why-most-dont-wait-until-marriage-sex-387575.html