Monday, 13 May 2013


Member of having great time and ministering during the CONFERENCE AT UGANDA PENTECOSTAL UNIVERSITY IN FORT-PORTAL. Theme was extreme conqueror organized by scripture union.Youth, especially from a country like Uganda have more responsibilities for positive change. Ways to change aren't far from us but are within us, our villages and towns. For that, collaboration with people of different cultures is must.”  Train a child for a better future

Youth, especially from a country like Uganda have more responsibilities for positive change. Ways to change aren't far from us but are within us, our villages and towns. For that, collaboration with people of different cultures is must.”

Youth are not only the tomorrow, the future; they are also the now, the present! If we want youth to be and make the change we want to see in the world, we should involve them right now and build their capacities. And the change will happen!”

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